Welcome back
Your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back
To that same old place that you laughed about
Well, the names have all changed
Since you hung around
But those dreams have remained
And they've turned around
Who'd have thought they'd lead you
(Who'd have thought they'd lead you)
Back here where we need you?
(Back here where we need you?)
-John Sebastian, Welcome Back, 1976
That's right, no more promising, I am back! Be sure to check this page often for updates on projects, random thoughts, complete stories and/or snippets, and so much more!
Let's just say that though the Creepercast may now be defunct I have been writing my own material like a mad man. Well, I already was a mad man, maybe a madder man?
By the way, the Creepercast blog does still exist if you want to travel back in time and read reviews, etc. But going forward I'm likely to slowly phase it out in favor of my pulpit hear. I will repost the best of the best here before then. Meanwhile, let me remind you of where you can find via the links below. Yes, most of the content therein is pretty old, reinvented, or in much need of editing and re-release. But new stuff is on its way and this is the place to learn about it! For now...
Farewell from the beast and I...
'til next we bleed - JP
About J.P. Hunt
J.P. was born as far north in Michigan as you can get without being Canadian and raised next to the flattest mountain in the state. He received his B.A.A. in English Literature/Creative Writing at Central Michigan University with a heavy focus on medieval history/literature and general film studies. J.P.’s writings focus predominantly in the general fantasy and horror genres with several stories, collections, novels, and scripts in the works. He currently resides in New Mexico with his wife, 3 dogs, 5 cats, and stepson. J.P. is a storyteller with dark corners in his mind that echo the voices of King, Poe, and Lovecraft.
Find more of his work on Amazon and Smashwords or follow his blog Sayviors Sermons. You can also follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and his Wix Author Site.
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